When to call
Tel. 030 / 339 379 370
Fax 030 / 339 379 399
info@kfo-charlottenburg.de You may also send an inquiry using our
contact form.
Saturday appointments available by prior arrangement.
Co-payment | Information from A to Z
Public health insurance:
If treatment commences before the patient is 18, public health insurance will cover the cost of orthodontic treatment provided that the malalignment of teeth or jaw is considered necessary under the German index of orthodontic treatment need (Kieferorthopädische Indikationsgruppe, KIG). The insurance pays all costs incurred at the end of treatment. During treatment, they only cover 80 per cent of the costs – 20 per cent (10 per cent from the second child on) must be co-paid in advance by the parents. After successful treatment, we furbish parents with a
synopsis letter which they should forward to the health insurance with all invoices for reimbursement of the co-payment of 20 or 10 per cent.
Private health insurance:
Private health insurance covers the cost of orthodontic treatment – regardless of the patient’s age – provided that the treatment is imperative from a medical point of view and the insurance policy extends to orthodontic treatment. For further information please consult the dental insurance section of your insurance policy, where you will also find information on which costs might not be met and whether you will be liable for co-payment prior to treatment.
Dr. Carola Seekamp and Dr. Sara Nasiri - Specialists in Orthodontics - Reichsstraße 105 - 14052 Berlin-Charlottenburg/Westend - Telephone 030 / 339 379 370